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U.S. Coast Guard Named Aircraft

In the 1930’s the Coast Guard started to name their aircraft, as commissioned "seaplanes," in much the same way that ships were named. The usage became so common the many official Coast Guard communications, and nearly all the press releases and newspapers stories referred to the aircraft by name only.

From 1933 to 1936 the aircraft were all named for stars. Their names appeared on each side of the nose of the aircraft and served as an accurate means of identification for the planes.

Aircraft NameType3-Digit SerialV Serial
ACAMAR    PJ-1    254V114
ACRUX    PJ-1    253V113
ADHARA    RD-2    129V111
ALDEBARAN    RD-4    135V130
ALIOTH    RD-4    132V127
ALTAIR    PJ-1    252V127
ANTARES    PJ-2    251V116
ARCTURUS    PJ-1    255V115
BELLATRIX    RD-4    138V133
CANOPUS    RD-4    139V134
CAPELLA    RD-4    137V132
DENEB    RD-4    134V129
MIZAR    RD-4    131V125
PROCYON    RD    227V106
RIGEL    RD-4    136V131
SIRIUS    RD-1    128V109
SPICA    RD-4    130V125
VEGA    RD-4    133V128


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