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Save The Apollo LUT!!!

The prime Launch Umbilical Tower of the Apollo program, LUT-1, is facing an uncertain future.  

The Apollo LUT, as seen during Apollo 8, and as visualized in the future by Arthur C. Clarke

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is mandating that NASA dispose the remains of the historic structure, starting immediately (effective February 12th, 2004).  This means that every moment that passes will make the restoration & preservation of this true piece of history more difficult (and more expensive).  The Crew at Check-six urges NASA and EPA to grant "The Space Restoration Society" the necessary time and resources to insure that this relic of America's space-faring past does fade into the history books. 

The Space Restoration Society was founded to preserve and restore the historic equipment and facilities of the American manned and unmanned space program.  Their efforts, at the moment, primarily concern the Apollo LUT, but also intent to compass the entire span of America's space heritage.

The easiest way to voice your concern and overall support for the preservation of the LUT is to sign the petition here. Also, in the comments field of the petition, please say that "Check-Six sent me".

For more information (and current updates on the status of the LUT), visit the Space Restoration Society website at


Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch Photo

See the Apollo LUT in action!  This spectacular launch of the Apollo 11 / Saturn V rocket, from launch complex 39-A, sends the crew of Apollo 11 to the Moon. 16" x 20"

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch Photo



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This page last updated Thursday, January 04, 2018

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